Water Damage From Badly Installed Gutters - Nashville TN - Gutterman of TNGutters are your first line of defense against water damage. As with any component of your home, having a badly installed gutter can cause water damage inside and outside your home. On the exterior of your home, water can cause masonry damage to brick and mortar or can cause paint to peel and wood to split. If the water reaches the inside of your home it can cause damage to the structure or can cause paint and wall treatments to peel. Both of these types of water damage are expensive but likely avoidable with a little diligence.

Damage is common around the house, especially during winter months when harsh weather can wreak havoc on the exterior of your home. Often problems become worse if certain aspects aren’t installed properly. Inspect your gutters regularly to discover and assess any badly installed gutters that may be causing water damage.

Nail Holes In Gutters

When having your gutters replaced, many gutter companies will rip the gutters down and leave the old nail holes. Then they will go back and nail in new nail holes, leaving the old nail holes still there behind the new gutters. Look for nail holes on your gutters and fill them with caulk. Ask your gutter replacement company if they are going to fill the old nail holes before installing new gutters.

Hidden Water Damage

Another way gutters can cause problems is if the water damage is hidden. Clogged gutters that have not been maintained will often mask water damage, making it difficult to detect until it’s too late. Clogged gutters are simple to fix and it is a shame that something so small could hide water damage until it becomes a costly and intensive repair.

Not Installed Properly

The biggest way gutters can cause damage in your home is if they simply aren’t installed properly. Gutters should be installed straight, so water has a straight line to drain off the roof and away from the house. If a gutter is not installed straight then water is likely to collect and cause damage. In other instances, gutters are not measured properly and are too short for the roof they are installed on and don’t properly collect or drain any water. This can cause water to collect around the foundation of your home and can lead to major damage and expensive repairs.

If you are sure your gutters have been installed properly, but are still concerned about water damage, a simple inspection can make sure everything is in working order. There are additional things you can do to make sure they are draining efficiently including:

  • Have your gutters cleaned regularly.
  • Inspect your gutters after the winter season to look for damage and clogs.
  • After a heavy winter storm, make sure no ice dams have built around your gutters, causing clogs.

The best thing you can do to protect yourself from poorly installed gutters is to hire a reputable gutter company. The Gutterman of TN has years of experience installing complete gutter systems and will guarantee your gutters will not only be installed properly but will be maintained for years to come. Trust the experts to properly install and maintain your gutters to protect your home from costly (and unnecessary) water damage all year long.