Properly Cleaning And Inspecting Your Gutters - Nashville TN - Gutterman of TNIf you’re like most homeowners in Tennessee, your spring cleaning list is a mile long this year. It’s that time of year where the warm weather breakes and you spend a little more time in your yard that likely needs mowing for the first time this year. With this extra time outside, you may notice the exterior of your home a bit closer. Months of harsh winter, ice and snow have taken a toll on our homes and now that the weather is getting warmer, it is time to tackle our to-do lists. Before you finish, make sure having you spend a little time inspecting and cleaning your gutters to protect your home this spring from the heavy rains.

Importance Of Gutter Cleaning

To understand why it is so important to clean your gutters, think of gutters as part of your entire roofing system. Your gutters collect rainwater and usher it away from your home, which prevents water from collecting at your foundation and causing damage. Because of their shape, it is easy for your gutters to collect leaves, twigs and other types of debris during times of harsh weather. This is especially true if large trees surround your house. If trees surround your home, plan on having your gutters cleaned twice a year. If trees do not surround your home then once a year should suffice.

Properly Cleaning And Inspecting Your Gutters
When you hire a professional gutter maintenance company, the first thing they will do is climb a ladder and physically clean out your gutters. Many homeowners choose to keep the leaves collected from their gutters to use as mulch around their homes or compost for their gardens. Making sure gutters are free of debris will ensure they are functioning properly. Secondly, your professional gutter technician will check to make sure there are not leaks or holes in the gutters or cracking in the caulking of your gutter seams. When water is leaking through your gutters it can cause damage to the exterior, and in extreme cases, the interior of your home.

Your gutter professional will also make sure all your gutters, including the downspout are secured properly. We have had a lot of wind and ice this winter, and sometimes your gutters and drains can come loose. Having them reinforced will help your gutters work properly. The last thing your gutter maintenance technician will do is pressure wash your gutters to remove the final bits of debris and leave your gutters in top shape.

Water Damage To Your Home
You want to avoid water damage to your home. Look for these signs that your gutters may not be working properly:

  • Sagging gutters
  • Fallen gutters
  • Gutters leaking water at the seams
  • Water pooling around your foundation
  • Water damage to wall treatments
  • Water stains on your ceilings or walls

The Gutterman Of TN is your total gutter professional. Add a call to the Gutterman as part of your spring cleaning checklist to make sure your drainage system is working efficiently. The spring season always bring a lot of rain to Middle Tennessee and you want to be absolutely sure your gutters are ready to do their job. A yearly spring cleaning of your gutters will ensure they are draining properly and keeping your foundation and the inside of your home dry. Call The Gutterman Of TN to schedule your spring gutter cleaning today.